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Boran Cattle

The resilience of Boran across Southern Province continue to prove their economic worth especially during the 6 years of drought ending in 2020. The Boran has been a feature of the province for many decades where even in poor seasons it retains condition and fertility while European breeds wilt. An African breed developed over the centuries by the Boran tribe in the semi desert conditions of northern Kenya was improved by ranchers in Likipia which maintains a medium size bulk which being particularly suited to extensive ranching in the variable climate, grasses and trees of southern and central Zambia. Similar to the other Sanga African breeds, these cattle are browsers as well as grazers so do well in mixed bush environments.

Boran cattle with their short hair over thick dark loose skin manage the high temperatures of the summer just as their natural resistance to a number of tick and other vet challenges support their adaption to these mixed Zambian conditions. The hardy cows and bulls ususally retain their fertility for up to 4 years beyond which the European breeds are culled. Bred amongst lions and leopards in Northern Kenya, the Boran naturally stays in a group when grazing and remains docile to handle even with calf at heel. They are the ideal cattle for Ultra- high density grazing.

Despite a prominent hump and dew lap, which shows Bos Indicus infusion centuries ago, the Boran arises from an old African strain of Bos Taurus. It provides vigour when crossed with other hardy sanga African breeds, which will improve local Tonga, Ngoni and Tulu type cattle. There is pronounced hybrid vigour in the calves of a first cross with pedegree Bos Indicus or European Bos Taurus breeds with the later able to perform particularily well in a feedlot situation. The Boran bull makes a positive economic addition to the cattle herds of Southern and Central Zambia.

Increased Demand

Over the past few difficult drought seasons, the demand for Boran bulls has increased, as the resilient of this breed of cattle proved its worth in very poor conditions.

In our worst seasons, where grazing was scarce, the Boran continued to thrive where other breeds rapidly lost condition and became vulnerable to disease.

The local Tonga tribe, who have always kept cattle, also developed an appreciation for our Boran breed over the years having had access to our genetics. This common years having had access to our genetics. This commonappreciation, has brought our neighbours and local communities closer together.


Veld-fed Beef

Cattle breeds define the quality and taste of meat and none more than the Sanga African cattle, who browse leaves and bushes as well as graze on the wide variety of grasses and herbs available on the ranch. European breeds graze grass being unable to process the tannin from browsing, which capacity African breeds have had to develop over the centuries. This nutritious mixed diet keeps our Sanga cattle especially the Boran breed in top condition and infuses their meat with a rare depth of flavour.

There are ethical reasons for choosing veld fed animals, since grain fed animals effectively become diabetic creatures as the acidity of their stomach rises with the grain diet creating excess fat as well as a host of health conditions. As a result, there are also compelling nutritional reasons for choosing veld fed cattle as healthy animals create healthier food.

Veld fed cattle are leaner than grain fed ones while that smaller amount of fat has a much higher ratio of omega-3s to omega-6s which is the sought after ratio that reduces cardiac issues. Veld fed cattle have two to three as much CLA, a compound known for its anti carcinogenic and weight management properties and significantly higher levels of important antioxidants like vitamin E and glutathione as well as notably higher levels of zinc, phosphorus, iron and potassium. Tastie veld fed beef is good for you.

Better Beef

Above all else free range veld raised cattle, goats and sheep taste significantly more delicious than their grain fed counterparts. Rather than negatively impact the distinctive flavor of veld raised meat by freezing, our recommendation is our beef follows traditional high quality butchery practice of ageing prime cuts for up to 28 days.

Try some of our prime cuts and judge the superior slightly nutty taste of locally supplied Zambian meat products off the veld. For all these sound reasons we believe the Zambian Boran produces some of the world’s best tasting beef…



What you buy can affect your health, and the environment too. We believe it is important to consider the food and treatment of the cattle that you are eventually consuming.

Our grass-fed animals are raised in open grass pastures, which are free to graze, rather than being confined in cramped living spaces.

Crowding animals in feedlots, even if it is only during the “finishing off” stage of an animals life, has increased the added the need to administer anti-biotics to prevent the spread of disease amongst the animals in this confined space. These anti-biotics that end up in the meat, may be consumed by you.

Occassionally, when feeding is rerquired to supplement the foddar on the veld, the ranch utilises residue from its cover crops either ensilged or in the field. It provides a variety of nutritious fodder to supplement their natural diet. Rain fed cover crops are either planted by hand or using the zero-till method which protects the soil and improves water retention. The field ultimately benefits from the manure and mulch left behind, eliminating the need for synthetic or chemical fertilizers. During periods of good rain, two cover crops may be possible each season, with the subsequent planting done directly into the remaining organic matter, which also helps suppress weeds. During winter a mineral supplement is supplied including protein to feed the gut of the Boran so it processes the dry foddar to keep the animals in prime health all year.

Not only do the livestock benefit from this system, so do birds and insects as well as other resident wild animals. Unfortunately ticks remain a risk to all ranch animals as they can cause devistating and often fatal diseases. In prior eras birds including the red oxpecker helped keep down the tick burden.


Tick Control in Livestock benefits the Wildlife by periodically reducing the population of the disease carrying parasites from the bush through dipping.

However, the use of toxic chemicals to achieve this in the past had a negative impact on one of natures aids to tick control, the Oxpecker. The ranch and its neighbours utilise “Oxpecker Safe” dip, but the damage wped this bird out of most commercial ranches.

Our managers have seen a couple of red Oxpeckers on ranch and esearch is underway to reintegrate them to help manage tick burden in both the Livestock and Wildlife.

Image by Herbert Bieser from Pixabay